Miss Silhouette

September 18, 2011

New papercuts to be available for purchase soon.

I am still struggling with taking product photos. Me and cameras do not get along. I've become adapt and manipulating photos in Photoshop, but there's a limit to what can be done. You don't want to know how dark, blurry, tinted and grainy the photo above was before I tinkered with it. And I took it during the day, too! Sometimes I think my computer is doing something to the photos during transfer to make them turn out this way (they look better - bright and in focus - on the camera, I swear!) but I haven't caught what it is yet. I've tried taking pictures at different times of the day, in different places, against different backdrops and nothing seems to work. I even reset the camera to its factory settings, thinking it'll clean up its act. Nothing.

I'll keep on trying, though. What do you think of the white on white look?

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