Ruffles Ketubah

March 30, 2017

Last week a client asked me about a design I originally released in 2012 at the height of the ruffles moment in fashion. I aptly named it RUFFLES (I know, I'm a copy-write genius). Honestly, I cut this design so many times over the years that I fell out of love with it for a while, and it wasn't until this order that I even thought of it! The Ruffles are pretty different from the rest of my collection after all, being inspired by fabric instead of nature. Cutting it again rekindled my love and I am SMITTEN. I recalled the beauty of its tiny layers and promptly decided to relist it in the shop. So thank you Randy!
11X17 inches | your choice of background color
(click photo for best resolution)
I know and fully back in love with this design. I can't stop looking at its shadow play on different backgrounds. Even with my lackluster photography it can't fail to impress! 
R U F F L E S 
is now available in 

For more photos of 
R U F F L E S 

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